Mental Health and Recovery Services Board Guernsey County Renewal Levy
The Mental Health & Recovery Services Board is responsible, by law, for ensuring the availability of high-quality mental health and alcohol/drug recovery services to residents of Muskingum, Coshocton, Guernsey, Morgan, Noble and Perry Counties. One way the Board meets this mandate is to generate local public support through tax levies.
For every dollar spent on substance abuse treatment, there is an economic return of $4.00 to $7.00; for mental health treatment, the economic return is $5.00 per person.
It's local funding helping local agencies helping local people... Your neighbors... Your family... Your friends... Your peace of mind.
Drug treatment costs approximately $20,000 less than incarceration per person per year for a drug-related crime.
Can’t get much for 7 cents these days?
In Guernsey County,
you get a lot for 7 cents!
That’s all you pay each day* to keep mental health and (addiction) recovery services
in our county.
Based on $100,000 home,
this renewal levy costs $.07 a day; $2.10 a month; $25.00 a year
We’ve been good stewards of these pennies for more than 35 years and in times like these, our county needs those services...
more than ever!
* based on a $100,000 property value
Mental Health Services...
A Wise Investment in our Families, Friends and Neighbors!
• Behavioral Health Services
• Residential Center for Youth
• Crisis Stabilization Center for Adults
• School Prevention Programs
• Recovery Support Services
• Forensic Services for Local Courts &Jails
• Critical Incident Stress Management &
Debriefing Services
• Shared Services for Multi-Need Children
and Youth